Posts 5th Sem Machin learning lab practical

 Program 1:   Implement and demonstrate the FIND-S algorithm for finding the most specific hypothesis   based on a  given set of training data samples. Read the training data from a .CSV file. import random import csv import pandas as pd att= [['Sunny','Rainy'],               ['Warm','Cold'],               ['Normal','High'],               ['Strong','Weak'],               ['Warm','Cool'],               ['Same','Change']] attribute=len(att) print("attribute length=",attribute) print("\n Most general hypothesis:['?','?','?','?,'?','?']") print("\n Most specific hypothesis:['0','0','0','0','0','0']") a=[] print("\n Given training data set") with open('C:\\Users\pc1\\Desktop\\machine\\ws.csv') as file:     reader=csv.reader(file)     for r in reader:       ...

BCA 3rd year Web Technology(code 304) Web Site development using ASP.NET AND C#

  Web Site development using ASP.NET AND C# UNIT – I Overview of ASP.NET framework, Understanding ASP.NET Controls, Applications, Web servers, installation of IIS. Web forms, web form controls -server controls, client controls, web forms & HTML, Adding controls to a web form ,Buttons, Text Box , Labels, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, List Box, etc. Running a web Application, creating a multiform web project. UNIT- II Form Validation: Client side validation, server Side validation, Validation Controls : Required Field Comparison Range. Calendar control, Ad rotator Control, Internet Explorer Control. State management- View state, Session state, Application state, UNIT- III Architecture of ADO.NET, Connected and Disconnected Database, Create Connection using ADO.NET Object Model, Connection Class, Command Class, DataAdapter Class, Dataset Class. Display data on data bound Controls and Data Grid. Database Accessing on web applications: Data Bind...