
Showing posts from October, 2023

Class 9th Unit-3 Digital Documentation

  Unit-3 Digital Documentation Documentation :- A document is a paper with written contents and the process of preparing a document is called documentation. Document :-  The documents can be letters, reports, thesis, manuscripts, legal documents, books, etc. A handwritten document can have certain disadvantages like understanding the specific handwriting.  Word processing : - Word processing is the use of computer software to enter, edit, format, store, retrieve and print the document.  word processor : - A word processor is a computer application used for the production of printable material. In the beginning WordStar was the most widely used word processing software. Typewriter A  typewriter  is a mechanical machine for typing characters. Typically, a typewriter has an array of keys and each one  causes a different single character to be produced on paper by striking an inked ri...