Class 9th Unit-3 Digital Documentation

 Unit-3 Digital Documentation


A document is a paper with written contents and the process of

preparing a document is called documentation.


 The documents can be letters, reports, thesis, manuscripts,

legal documents, books, etc. A handwritten document can have

certain disadvantages like understanding the specific handwriting. 

Word processing :-

Word processing is the use of computer software to enter, edit,

format, store, retrieve and print the document. 

word processor :-

A word processor is a computer application used for the

production of printable material. In the beginning WordStar

was the most widely used word processing software.


typewriter is a mechanical machine for typing characters. Typically, a typewriter has an array of keys and each one  causes a different single character to be produced on paper by striking an inked ribbon selectively against the paper  with a type elements

Limitations of typewriter:_

1. In case of any typing error, the whole sheet is required to be typed again.

2. To send same letter to two or more persons with different addresses
requires multiple typing efforts.

3. Typewriter does not have all the required characters or symbols. It is not possible to type all the characters using the typewriter.

4. It is not possible to produce a document in the desired format using a

Feature of Word professor:-

   Create, edit, save, retrieve and print the document

   Select and move the text from one place to another in the document

   Copy the text to other places within the document

   Move or copy a selected text from one document to any other document

   Change the font size, font style of the text in the document

   Format paragraphs as well as pages

   Check spelling and grammar 

   Create table, modify the size of the selected rows, columns or cells

   Combine one or more documents

   Insert pictures or graphs within the document

   Print the selected text or selected pages of the document


Web-based word processer:-

 1.Google Docs

    2.Offce 365 Word

    3.Microsoft OneDrive Word


Editing the document

 1.     Undo and Redo

 2.     Moving and copying text

 3.    Copy and Paste

 4.     Selecting text

 5.     Selection criteria

 6.   Selecting non-consecutive text items

 7.     Selecting a vertical block of text

 8.     Find and Replace

 Undo and Redo:-

   Open the existing file (For example, report.odt) and then start editing in it.

   If, by mistake, you have made some changes and now you want to erase the last change done, then use the Undo option.

  After undo command, again if you want to go back then use the Redo option.

 Ctrl+z= Undo

Ctrl+y= Redo


Moving and copying text:-

 Cut and Paste: It is used to move a selected text from one place to another.

       Select the text and click on Edit Cut option or press CTRL+X

        Place the cursor where the text has to be moved. Click on

           Edit   Paste option or press CTRL+V


Copy and Paste:-

It is used to make a duplicate copy of selected text.


 Step 1: Select the text and click on Edit→ Copy option or press CTRL+C

Step 2: Place the cursor where the text has to be duplicated. Click on Edit→Paste option or press CTRL+V


Selecting text

 It is necessary to select the text to perform copy and paste operation. The selected text will be highlighted. For editing the text you must first select the required text.  

The editing can be done on the selected text.


Selection criteria:-

 To select the text in Writer, swipe the mouse cursor over text. There are several  selection tricks to speed up the selection process.

Find and Replace:-

 This feature is used to search for a text and replace it with other text.

   Select Edit Find & Replace, the dialog box will open.

   Type the text to find in the Find box.

   To change the text with different text, enter the new text in the Replace box.

 example, while writing the paragraph the word ‘IT Job Fair’ was typed but it should  be ‘National IT JobFair’. So let’s replace. 

Step 1: Click on Edit Menu Find & Replace option or press CTRL+F


 Step 2: Write text under Search For option and click on Find button to locate the entered word. This will select the word which you want to search for. Also, you can click on Find All to select and display all occurrences of the entered text.

Step 3: Write the text under Replace with option. Now click on Replace if you want to change only frst occurrence of it and use Replace All to replace all the matching occurrences.


Checking spelling :-

While writing a report on paper, sometimes we may not remember the spelling of some words. In this situation we refer to the books or confirm the spelling from teachers or parents. Also while word processing a document, we may commit spelling mistake. In such cases, the Writer helps us to correct the spelling.

Checking grammar:-

If any grammatical errors are detected, they are underlined by a wavy blue line. Right-clicking on this line brings up a context menu. The first entry in the menu describes the suspected broken grammatical rule. We can do the correction as suggested. 


Synonyms and the thesaurus

Sometimes you search for a word having a similar in meaning to the word you have in mind. A word processor helps to look up synonyms (different words with the same meaning) and antonyms (words with the opposite meaning) in the thesaurus. Right-click on a word and point to Synonyms on the context menu.


Formatting a document

The first step in document preparation is to use page setup. The Page Formatting is explained in the next section. To setup a page, select and click on the Format → PageSetup and the Page option.

Formatting text

Formatting Text refers to the formatting of paragraphs and characters. To do the formatting, first select the text and then apply the required text formatting features.

  1. 1 Common text formatting;-  bold. Italic, underline
  2. 2.     Changing text case:-  sentence case, lower case, upper case, Toggle CASE
  3. 3. Superscript and Subscript:-   For example, in the date 5th July, the ‘th’ character appearing after 5 is in the superscript case. In some situations, such as while writing scientific/chemical formula, such O2, the character 2 is in the subscript case.



1.     Table is used to store the related collection of information or data

2.     Table is structured by row and column.

3.     Top row of table is called table header.

Procedure to insert table in document:-

1.     Click on insert menu

2.     Click on table

3.     click insert table option or draw table

4.     Enter value of row or column in dialog box.

5.     Click on ok button.

Mail Merge

 Mail Merge is a very important feature of word processor. It is used to create a series of same documents with multiple addresses. Mail merge is the process of merging the main document (letter or certificates) with the mailing address of various persons.










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