Thoery of computaion(b.TECH 4TH sEM)



Context-Free Grammar

1.     Context Free Grammar is formal grammar, the syntax or structure of a formal language can be described using context-free grammar (CFG).

2.      G is context free if every production is of the form A->α, where A  Vn
            and α  (Vn  T)*.

3.       The grammar has four tuples: G = (Vn, T, P, S).

V - It is the collection of variables or nonterminal symbols.  It is denoted by capital letters
T - It is a set of terminals.
It is denoted by lower case letters.
P - It is the production rules that consist of both terminals and nonterminal.
S - It is the Starting symbol.

4.     left-hand side of the G, here in the example can only be a Variable, it cannot be a terminal or variable in only capital letter.

5.     But on the right-hand side here it can be a Variable or Terminal or both combination of Variable and Terminal.

6.       Example the grammar A = { S, a,b, P,S} having production :

·         Here S is the starting symbol.

·         {a,b} are the terminals generally represented by small characters.

·         P is variable along with S

·         S-> aS
S-> bSa
7.      a->bSa, or
a->ba is not a CFG as on the left-hand side there is a variable which does not follow the CFGs rule.


Limitations of Context-Free Grammar

1.       CFGs are less expressive, and neither English nor programming language can be expressed using Context-Free Grammar.

2.       Context-Free Grammar can be ambiguous means we can generate multiple parse trees of the same input.

Derivation tree

1.     Derivation tree is a graphical representation for the derivation of the given production rules of the context free grammar (CFG).

2.     It is a way to show how the derivation can be done to obtain some string from a given set of production rules. It is also called as the Parse tree.


The properties of the derivation tree are given below −

  • The root node is always a node indicating the start symbols.
  • The derivation is read from left to right.
  • The leaf node is always the terminal node.
  • The interior nodes are always the non-terminal nodes.


Let G=({S,A},{A,B},P, S ) where P consist of  Sà aAS |a | SS, Aà SbA | ba  and construct tree whose yield aabaa .





Question:- Let G be the grammar S--> OB | 1A., A -->0 | 0S |1AA, B--> 1|  1S | OBB. For the string 00110101, find (a) the leftmost derivation, (b) the rightmost derivation, and (c) the derivation tree.


Ambiguous Context Free Grammar: 

1.     A context free grammar is called ambiguous if there exists more than one LMD(left most          derivation) or more than one RMD(right most derivation)  for a string which is generated by grammar. There will also be more than one derivation tree for a string in ambiguous grammar.

2.  A terminal string W E L(G) is ambiguous if there exist two or more derivation trees for w (or there exist two or more leftmost derivations of w). Consider, for example, G = ({S}, {a, b, +, *}, P. S), where P consists of 5 -7 5 + 5 IS * 5 Ia Ib. We have two derivation trees for a + a " b given in Fig.



Chomsky's Normal Form (CNF)

1. CNF stands for Chomsky normal form. A CFG(context free grammar) is in CNF(Chomsky normal form) if all production rules satisfy one of the following conditions:

o    Start symbol generating ε. For example, S → ε.

o    A non-terminal generating two non-terminals. For example, S → AB.

o    A non-terminal generating a terminal. For example, S → a.

For example:

1.     G1 = {S → AB, S → c, A → a, B → b}  

2.     G2 = {S → aA, A → a, B → c}

The production rules of Grammar G1 satisfy the rules specified for CNF, so the grammar G1 is in CNF. However, the production rule of Grammar G2 does not satisfy the rules specified for CNF as S → aZ contains terminal followed by non-terminal. So the grammar G2 is not in CNF.

Steps for converting CFG into CNF

Step 1: Eliminate start symbol from the RHS. If the start symbol T is at the right-hand side of any production,   

       create a new production as: S1 → S Where S1 is the new start symbol.

Step 2: In the grammar, remove the null, unit and useless productions

Step 3: Eliminate terminals from the RHS of the production if they exist with other non-terminals or terminals. For example, production S → aA can be decomposed as:

S → RA  

R → a  

Step 4: Eliminate RHS with more than two non-terminals. For example, S → ASB can be decomposed as:

S → RS  

R → AS  

Greibach Normal Form (GNF)

GNF stands for Greibach normal form. A CFG(context free grammar) is in GNF(Greibach normal form) if all the production rules satisfy one of the following conditions:

o    A start symbol generating ε. For example, S → ε.

o    A non-terminal generating a terminal. For example, A → a.

o    A non-terminal generating a terminal which is followed by any number of non-terminals. For example, S → aASB.

For example:

G1 = {S → aAB | aB, A → aA| a, B → bB | b}  

G2 = {S → aAB | aB, A → aA | ε, B → bB | ε}  

The production rules of Grammar G1 satisfy the rules specified for GNF, so the grammar G1 is in GNF. However, the production rule of Grammar G2 does not satisfy the rules specified for GNF as A → ε and B → ε contains ε(only start symbol can generate ε). So the grammar G2 is not in GNF.

Steps for converting CFG into GNF:-

Step 1: Convert the grammar into CNF. If the given grammar is not in CNF, convert it into CNF

Step 2: If the grammar exists left recursion, eliminate it.

If the context free grammar contains left recursion, eliminate it. You can refer the following topic to eliminate left recursion: Left Recursion

Step 3: In the grammar, convert the given production rule into GNF form.

If any production rule in the grammar is not in GNF form, convert it.

Convert CFG to GNF


AàaA | bB | b



          SàAB    this is not in gnf so convert CNF the GNF

 So Substitute the value of A in S production rule

          i.e   SàAab | Bbb | bB


AàaA | bB | b    ( this is already in GNF)

Bàb                  (this is already in GNF)


New GNF production are:-

SàAab | Bbb | bB

AàaA | bB | b   



S → XB | AA  

A → a | SA  

B → b  

X → a  


As the given grammar G is already in CNF and there is no left recursion, so we can skip step 1 and step 2 and directly go to step 3.

1.The production rule A → SA is not in GNF, so we substitute S → XB | AA in the production rule A → SA as

S → XB | AA  

A → a | XBA | AAA  

B → b  

X → a  


3.     The production rule S → XB and B → XBA is not in GNF, so we substitute X → a in the production rule S → XB and B → XBA as:

S → aB | AA  

A → a | aBA | AAA  

B → b  

X → a  

3.Now we will remove left recursion (A → AAA), we get:

S → aB | AA  

A → aC | aBAC  

C → AAC |  ε  

B → b  

X → a  

4.Now we will remove null production C → ε, we get:


S → aB | AA  

A → aC | aBAC | a | aBA  

C → AAC |  AA  

B → b  

X → a  

5.The production rule S → AA is not in GNF, so we substitute A → aC | aBAC | a | aBA in production rule S → AA as:

S → aB | aCA | aBACA | aA | aBAA  

A → aC | aBAC | a | aBA  

C → AAC  

C → aCA | aBACA | aA | aBAA  

B → b  

X → a  

6.The production rule C → AAC is not in GNF, so we substitute A → aC | aBAC | a | aBA in production rule C → AAC as:

S → aB | aCA | aBACA | aA | aBAA  

A → aC | aBAC | a | aBA  

C →  aCAC | aBACAC | aAC | aBAAC  

C → aCA | aBACA | aA | aBAA  

B → b  

X → a  

Hence, this is the GNF form for the grammar G.



Pushdown Automata(PDA)

A pushdown automata (PDA) is more powerful than FA(finite automata). Any language which can be acceptable by FA(finite automata).  can also be acceptable by PDA(pushdown automata).

PDA Components:

1. Input tape: The input tape is divided in many cells or symbols. The input head is read-only and may only move from left to right, one symbol at a time.

2.Finite control: The finite control has some pointer which points the current symbol which is to be read.

3.Stack: The stack is a structure in which we can push and remove the items from one end only. It has an infinite size. In PDA, the stack is used to store the items temporarily.

Definition of PDA:

PDA is a 7-touple namely (Q, ∑, Γ, δ, q0, Zo, F).

Q: the finite set of states

∑: the input set

Γ: a stack symbol which can be pushed and popped from the stack

q0: the initial state

Zo: a start(initial) symbol .

F: a set of final states

δ: mapping function or transition function which is used for moving from current state to next state.

Instantaneous Description (ID):-

ID is an informal notation of how a PDA computes an input string and make a decision that string is accepted or rejected.

An instantaneous description is a triple (q, w, α) where:

q - describes the current state.

w - describes the remaining input.

α - describes the stack contents, top at the left.

Turnstile Notation:

1.     sign describes the turnstile notation and represents one move.

2.     * sign describes a sequence of moves.

For example:-

(p, b, T) (q, w, α)

In the above example, while taking a transition from state p to q, the input symbol 'b' is consumed, and the top of the stack 'T' is represented by a new string α.

Q. Design a PDA for accepting a language {anb2n | n>=1}.

Solution: In this language, n number of a's should be followed by 2n number of b's. Hence, we will apply a very simple logic, and that is if we read single 'a', we will push two a's onto the stack. As soon as we read 'b' then for every single 'b' only one 'a' should get popped from the stack.

The ID can be constructed as follows:

1.     δ(q0, a, Z) = (q0, aaZ)  

2.     δ(q0, a, a) = (q0, aaa)  

Now when we read b, we will change the state from q0 to q1 and start popping corresponding 'a'. Hence,

δ(q0, b, a) = (q1, ε)  

Thus, this process of popping 'b' will be repeated unless all the symbols are read. Note that popping action occurs in state q1 only.

δ(q1, b, a) = (q1, ε)  

After reading all b's, all the corresponding a's should get popped. Hence when we read ε as input symbol then there should be nothing in the stack. Hence the move will be:

δ(q1, ε, Z) = (q2, ε)  


DA = ({q0, q1, q2}, {a, b}, {a, Z}, δ, q0, Z, {q2})


Q. Construct a pda A accepting the set of all strings over {a, b} with equal number of a's and b’s.



A =({q), [a. b]. [Zo, a, b], D, q, Zo, 0)

where δ  is defined by the following rules:

δ (q, a, Zo) = {(q, aZo)}            δ (q, b, Zo) = {(q, bZo)}

δ (q, a, a) = {(q, aa)}                 δ (q, b,b) = {(q, bb)}

δ (q, a, b) = {(q, ε)}                  δ (q, b, a) = {(q, ε)}

δ (q, A, Zo) = {(q, ε)}

Non-deterministic Pushdown Automata

The non-deterministic pushdown automata is very much similar to NFA. We will discuss some CFGs which accepts NPDA.

The CFG which accepts deterministic PDA accepts non-deterministic PDAs as well. Similarly, there are some CFGs which can be accepted only by NPDA and not by DPDA. Thus NPDA is more powerful than DPDA.


Q. Construct PDA for the given CFG, and test whether 0104 is acceptable by this PDA.

S → 0BB  

B → 0S | 1S | 0  


The PDA can be given as:

1.     A = {(q), (01), (S, B, 01), δ, q, S, ?}  

The production rule δ can be:

R1: δ(q, ε, S) = {(q, 0BB)}

R2: δ(q, ε, B) = {(q, 0S) | (q, 1S) | (q, 0)}

R3: δ(q, 0, 0) = {(q, ε)}

R4: δ(q, 1, 1) = {(q, ε)}

Testing 0104 i.e. 010000 against PDA:


      context-free language (CFL) is a language generated by some context-free grammar (CFG).

      The class of context-free languages generalizes the class of regular languages, i.e., every regular language is a context-free language.

      The reverse of this is not true, i.e., every context-free language is not necessarily regular.

Deterministic context-free languages(DCFL);-

      Deterministic context-free languages are a proper subset of context-free languages.

      Context free languages that can be accepted by Deterministic Push-Down Automata.

      DCFLs are always unambiguous.

      Many programming languages can be described by means of DCFLs.

Properties of DCFL:-

      DCFLS are not closed under union.

      DCFLS are not closed under intersection.

      DCFLS are closed under complement.





Closure Properties of Context Free Languages

1. Context-free languages are closed under −

  • Union
  • Concatenation
  • Kleene Star operation


Let L1 and L2 be two context free languages. Then L1  L2 is also context free.


Let L1 = { anbn , n > 0}. Corresponding grammar G1 will have P: S1 → aAb|ab

Let L2 = { cmdm , m ≥ 0}. Corresponding grammar G2 will have P: S2 → cBb| ε

Union of L1 and L2, L = L1  L2 = { anbn } { cmdm }

The corresponding grammar G will have the additional production S → S1 | S2


If L1 and L2 are context free languages, then L1L2 is also context free.


Union of the languages L1 and L2, L = L1L2 = { anbncmdm }

The corresponding grammar G will have the additional production S → S1 S2

Kleene Star

If L is a context free language, then L* is also context free.


Let L = { anbn , n ≥ 0}. Corresponding grammar G will have P: S → aAb| ε

Kleene Star L1 = { anb}*

The corresponding grammar G1 will have additional productions S1 → SS1 | ε



2.Context-free languages are not closed under −

·         Intersection − If L1 and L2 are context free languages, then L1 ∩ L2 is not necessarily context free.

·         Intersection with Regular Language − If L1 is a regular language and L2 is a context free language, then L1 ∩ L2 is a context free language.

·         Complement − If L1 is a context free language, then L1’ may not be context free.


Decision Properties of CFL(Context Free Languages):-

1.     Test for Membership: Decidable.

2.     Test for Emptiness: Decidable

3.     Test for finiteness: Decidable


Deciding Properties of CFL(Context Free Languages):-


For a given CFG, there exists an algorithm to decide whether its language is finite or not.


 Reduce the given grammar completely by-

·  Eliminating productions

·  Eliminating unit productions

·  Eliminating useless productions


·   Draw a directed graph whose nodes are variables of the given grammar.

·  There exists an edge from node A to node B if there exists a production of the form

A → αBβ.


Now, following 2 cases are possible- 


·  Directed graph contains a cycle.

·  In this case, language of the given grammar is infinite.


·  Directed graph does not contain any cycle.

·  In this case, language of the given grammar is finite.







The Turing machine can be thought of as finite control connected to a R/W (read/write) head. It has one tape which is divided into a number of cells. The block diagram of the basic model for the Turing machine is given

Each cell can store only one symbol. The input to and the output from the finite state automaton are effected by the R/W head which can examine one cell at a time.


A Turing machine M is a 7-tuple, namely (Q, ∑, Γ, δ, q0, b, F )where

1. Q is a finite nonempty set of states.

2. Γ is a finite nonempty set of tape symbols,

3.   is the blank.

4. is a nonempty set of input symbols

5. δ is the transition function mapping

6. is the initial state, and

7. is the set of final states.


(i)               Instantaneous descriptions using move-relations.

(ii)              Transition table

(iii)          Transition diagram (transition graph).



Q. Construct TM for the language L ={0n1n} where n>=1.


Now we will see how this turing machine work for 0011.

The simulation for 0011 can be shown as below:

Turing Machine

Now, we will see how this turing machine will works for 0011. Initially, state is q0 and head points to 0 as:

Turing Machine

The move will be δ(q0, 0) = δ(q1, A, R) which means it will go to state q1, replaced 0 by A and head will move to the right as:

Turing Machine
The move will be δ(q1, 0) = δ(q1, 0, R) which means it will not change any symbol, remain in the same state and move to the right as:

Turing Machine
The move will be δ(q1, 1) = δ(q2, B, L) which means it will go to state q2, replaced 1 by B and head will move to left as:

Turing Machine

Now move will be δ(q2, 0) = δ(q2, 0, L) which means it will not change any symbol, remain in the same state and move to left as:

Turing Machine
The move will be δ(q2, A) = δ(q0, A, R), it means will go to state q0, replaced A by A and head will move to the right as:

Turing Machine
The move will be δ(q0, 0) = δ(q1, A, R) which means it will go to state q1, replaced 0 by A, and head will move to right as:

Turing Machine
The move will be δ(q1, B) = δ(q1, B, R) which means it will not change any symbol, remain in the same state and move to right as:

Turing Machine
The move will be δ(q1, 1) = δ(q2, B, L) which means it will go to state q2, replaced 1 by B and head will move to left as:

Turing Machine
The move δ(q2, B) = (q2, B, L) which means it will not change any symbol, remain in the same state and move to left as:

Turing Machine

Now immediately before B is A that means all the 0?s are market by A. So we will move right to ensure that no 1 is present. The move will be δ(q2, A) = (q0, A, R) which means it will go to state q0, will not change any symbol, and move to right as:

Turing Machine
The move δ(q0, B) = (q3, B, R) which means it will go to state q3, will not change any symbol, and move to right as:

Turing Machine
The move δ(q3, B) = (q3, B, R) which means it will not change any symbol, remain in the same state and move to right as:

Turing Machine
The move δ(q3, Δ) = (q4, Δ, R) which means it will go to state q4 which is the HALT state and HALT state is always an accept state for any TM.

Turing Machine
The same TM can be represented by Transition Diagram:




            replace xàA  and yàB

Chomsky Hierarchy

Chomsky Hierarchy represents the class of languages that are accepted by the different machine. The category of language in Chomsky's Hierarchy is as given below:

1.     Type 0 known as Unrestricted Grammar.

2.     Type 1 known as Context Sensitive Grammar.

3.     Type 2 known as Context Free Grammar.

4.     Type 3 Regular Grammar.

Type 0 Grammar:

Type 0 grammar is known as Unrestricted grammar. There is no restriction on the grammar rules of these types of languages. These languages can be efficiently modeled by Turing machines.

Type 1 Grammar:

Type 1 grammar is known as Context Sensitive Grammar. The context sensitive grammar is used to represent context sensitive language.

For example:

S → AT  

T → xy  

A → a  

Type 2 Grammar:

Type 2 Grammar is known as Context Free Grammar. Context free languages are the languages which can be represented by the context free grammar (CFG). Type 2 should be type 1.

For example:

A → aBb  

A → b  

B → a  

Type 3 Grammar:

Type 3 Grammar is known as Regular Grammar. Regular languages are those languages which can be described using regular expressions. These languages can be modeled by NFA or DFA.

Type 3 is most restricted form of grammar. The Type 3 grammar should be Type 2 and Type 1. Type 3 should be in the form of

V → T*V / T*  









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